The following seven interviews were done on-site in Uganda in June 2024.
Irene Ndimubanzi

Irene Ndimubanzi
Irene a mother of three girls, has a bachelors degree in education, a Masters in counseling psychology and is a certified Navigators Life and Leadership coach. With this training and a deep heart of compassion, she spends most of her time coming alongside young ladies, helping them grow in their relationship with God, navigate the challenges of marriage, poverty and parenting; and all the social discrimination against women.
She mentors a broad spectrum of women; from fresh graduates, young marrieds, single mothers, emerging leaders in the corporate world, and all the way to the urban poor and maids that take care of our homes and children. She is always trusting God for creative and tangible ways for the love of God to come through to the women God brings on her path every day. It is sometimes exhausting,but she is constantly refreshed by the Word of God and the company of like minded ministry partners.
Her vision is to have hands-on involvement in the lives of people, to clarify the gospel, and pass on heart and skill in a context of love, compassion and grace; so that faithful and skilled workers for the Kingdom, may emerge next-door to everywhere.
Levi Ndimubanzi

Levi Ndimubanzi
Over the last 23 years, I and my wife Irene, along with our daughters; Pauline (14) Tabitha (12) and Ruth (6) have had the privilege of being a part of; and growing through the calling of The Navigators - to advance the Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of laborers living and discipling among the lost. As such we have served in different capacities, including serving as Country Leaders for the Navigators Ministry in Uganda, laborers and leader development in the Africa Region, and currently, as overseers of 11 Initiating countries in the Africa region where we have missionaries pioneering disciple-making ministries with a generational focus.
We are grateful to MESA for the container of equipment and the generous financial support we have received so far, and we look forward to long-term partnerships to make this vision a reality for the glory of God. The goal is that many will experience the power of the Kingdom of God and surrender to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Pastor Elisha Kakwerere

Pastor Elisha Kakwerere
I have been a Church planter for the last 19 years in the city of Rukungiri in Western Uganda. I oversee 85 churches in the region. My passion and calling is to raise leaders who are gifted to plant churches and make disciples. This area is very rural and very poor. Agriculture is the main form of work for the people in the area. The average income is around $267 US dollars a month.
It is a beautiful area of the world, but there are many difficult problems that people deal with daily. Limited healthcare facilities and the inability to pay for the healthcare provided lead to high maternal mortality, infant mortality, and malaria death. Schools are led by many churches, and many families are unable to pay for their educational needs.
My wife Rebecca and I have six children. Three Biological and three adopted. God put these special kids in our lives to love them and take care of them, to be their father and mother. My children will be the only brothers and sisters they will ever know and see.
The stories of David and Esther, two of our adopted children, are an example of the hardships in our country. Both David and Esther are 8 years old. Their story is like many stories of the many kids here In Uganda. At birth, David’s mother dropped him in the toilet, where police rescued him and took him to the hospital, where we got him at 6 months. At the same time, when Esther was one month old, her mother dropped her at the hospital door and disappeared. Esther will never see her mom in life and will never know her real biological dad. Our third adopted son is Leviticus. Leviticus is 11, his father is a drug addict, who lives on the street, and his mother is very poor, and cannot feed him and take him to school. So Rebecca and I decided to take them to our home so that we trust God for their education, shelter, and protection. We also help Shelly Agaba who's run mad after many problems and stress.
Our biological children are well and we thank God for their passion for God and life.
We are thankful for the support MESA has given to our work here in Western Uganda!
Pastor Sam Musigire

Pastor Sam Musigire
Senior Pastor and founder of Ishaka Community Church(I.C.C) in Western Uganda - East Africa
My dad had 5 five wives and 30 children. I was forced to leave my home in my teen years, living on the streets of Kampala, and became a "pickpocket." I was caught by a man who then miraculously led me to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. He paid for my education, fed me, and sheltered me. I became a banker, but God had a different kind of "accounting" for my life. Instead of counting money, God has me counting and saving the souls of men, women, and children. I frequently say, "one whom God picked from a ledger book to a divine book.
I have had only one wife for the last 27 years with 5 Children. I am passionate about rescuing children off the streets, So far we have successfully rescued 17 children out of the darkness of living on the streets of cities in Uganda. There are 3 million orphans in Uganda and we want to help as many as possible.
The church I lead (I.C.C.) is located near a medical school and thus its population is predominantly medical students (90%). Our slogan is: Recruit, Equip, and Send- Thus, we disciple and send people out to the world. About 15 African nations trek to this medical school and end up in church.
We are so thankful we have connected with MESA Sharing and their help has been life-changing!
Dr. Bukyana Sedrick

Dr. Bukyana Sedrick
My name is Dr. Bukyana Sedrick, a medical doctor by profession, and I am currently pursuing my Master's in General Surgery at Kampala International University. I am Engaged to Irene and will be having the wedding this October. As a born-again Christian, I serve at Ishaka Community church in western Uganda as an Executive Pastor. I also coordinate medical missions at my church as a way to reach out to the community with the Love of Christ and serve with my profession. One way we help the medically underserved is to provide Medical Camps out in the bush in very poor villages. With generous donations from organizations like MESA, we perform free medical exams and provide medicines as needed. We see Malaria, STDs such as HIV and Syphilis, Typhoid, and pneumonia.
Through this care, we can share that God cares about their human condition and that He loves them! I am passionate about winning souls to the kingdom of God.
Pastor Junior Wagaba

Pastor Junior Wagaba
My name is Junior Wagaba aged 39 years. I'm married to one wife, Mrs. Catherine Wagaba, whom I love so much and has become a blessing to me, our family, and the ministry I do. We have four biological children 2 boys and 2 girls, that is Ahurire Tabitha, Abaasa Triumph, Jethro Para Wagaba and Jeremy Ahereza, respectively. God has also blessed us with another four children making a total of eight children, whom we stay with and give a hand to shape their future.
Regarding education, I hold a bachelor's degree in Theology, from Africa Renewal University, and a Master degree in Biblical Translation, from Barclay College Kansas USA.
I'm an associate Pastor at Rukungiri Community church under the Amaziba Ministries in Uganda-Africa and I serve as a Missions and Church Planting Pastor and have a lot of passion in seeing churches planted, people discipled and communities transformed. I serve under the leadership of my senior pastor Elisha Kakwerere and it's been a great experience and blessing serving and learning from him as my leader. He has also inspired me and encouraged me to do the work I'm doing while expanding the Kingdom of God together. I have been in full church ministry since 2013, after I resigned from my job as a teacher in a government school, and God has been faithful.
Concerning ministry calling, I resigned from my job in 2013 because I felt the conviction and the calling from Lord which led me to have a conversation with my pastor and when I told him what I felt, he gave me a go-ahead to come and serve with him and with other pastors. It's been a great experience serving my God in this ministry. I have seen and continuing to see many souls come to Christ, lives encouraged and people find life and identity in Christ.
I have an ambition and passion to see my generation reached and impacted by the gospel as the scripture says in Acts 13:36 "'When David had served God's purpose in his own generation he rested.' I feel I belong to this generation and exist to serve God's purpose." There is a need for sustainable leadership in our generation because without leaders, impact is minimal and therefore, I feel a need to raise many leaders who can influence the kingdom of God in all spheres of life, but also transfer grace to the next generation for sustainable Kingdom impact.
God Bless you.
Elli Karera

Elli Karera
My name is Elli Karera, born a second born in a family of three boys in Western Uganda. I'm aged 30 years and not married at the time. I hold a degree in finance and accounting and currently pursuing masters degree in Biblical translation at Barclay college, Kansas.
My father was a pastor since 1960's until he went to be with the Lord in the year 2013, June. This gave us as children a Christian foundation but we didn't so much understand what Christianity is all about until later in our secondary school time. I got an opportunity to engage in prison ministry, church worship team ministry at a young age but my faith roots weren't deep enough.
Irrespective of my Christian background, I personally hadn't believed and confessed Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. I chose by faith to receive Christ as my personal Lord and Savior at an age of sixteen years in my third year of high school - in Ugandan secondary school during a school retreat.
I later completed high school in 2013 and joined an Ugandan university called Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MAST) in 2014. I finished in 2017 with a degree in accounting and finance but did not practice accounting in any financial institution as I had always thought during my school years. After university, I immediately joined my brother in western Uganda to work in ministry because I was passionate about youth.
I love it when young people embrace Jesus and begin on a journey to grow spiritually and morally without. I am passionate about ages 11-25, and my passion for ministry grow every year because of testimonies I hear from transformed lives by Jesus.
I am so glad to have stepped in my father's footsteps today to help young people find their way back to God through youth ministry. Within my first two years in ministry, I felt like I should go for a counseling degree because I discovered that youth have many things they undergo in growth and development. I hope to do this with time. I, therefore, offered to avail myself of ministry, and I am doing this through a local church called Rukungiri Community Church in the western part of Uganda.
Currently, I am also working as an administrator at Amaziba Ministries. Amaziba Ministries is a faith-based organization based in the western part of Uganda. We are engaged in the following programs: church planting, scripture translation, leadership growth and development, pastoral support, education programs, annual revival conferences, and teenage education. I coordinate all these programs. My position has allowed me to grow in different skills, such as planning and organizational skills, communication skills, and, most importantly, conflict resolution skills at the workplace.
Serving and working with people in the community is interesting as it has helped me learn more about people's behaviors and characters.
I also like traveling to different places, not necessarily for ministry but for adventure. I have travelled to half of the areas in Uganda and still plan to do more beyond Uganda.
By God's grace, I hope that my faith roots with continuously go deeper and I will bear fruits in every season of my life.
Other People's Shoes interview with Aron Boesl of MESA Sharing

Aron Boesl of MESA Sharing
The story of how MESA Sharing came into existence - how God uses broken people.
After visiting West Africa for the first time in 2008 for one month training doctors in ultrasound at a mission hospital, heightened Aron's awareness of the needs in this part of Africa. Upon returning home he started working with local churches, rotary groups, and hospitals in the Pacific Northwest to launch a project collecting medical supplies. One year later, he sent his first 40 foot container of medical equipment and supplies...
Dr. Fynn speaking about MESA